Melek mo Hani “Milk and Honey” tells the story of a Pacific South Sea Islander who struggles to convince people of his cultural identity, until a series of extraordinary events propel him into the world spotlight and recognition.
Moses Lingetoa is a free spirited musician who travels form place to place singing the songs of his homeland. This all changes the day he is caught without a busking licence, with an expired visa by a suspicious immigration officer. Moses now begins the fight of his life to establish his identity as he draws upon his family’s history from Malaita Island in 1878 to the Mackay sugar plantations, through to the deportation of his family in 1907.
Melek Mo Hani is a play about finding identity in the 21st century when you have a foot in three countries and a family history involving kidnapping, exploitation and deportation.
Date: 15 – 17 Aug 6.30pm 17 Aug 11am
Book: 8980 3333
Venue: Browns Mart Theatre
Price: $16/$13conc. $11 groups 10+ /$6 schools